Stay on Top of Deadlines Be aware of all time-sensitive financial or administrative obligations necessary for the next semester. Keep deadlines for financial aid, housing, tuition, and class registration on your radar.
Gain Industry Experience Students fortunate enough to be able to land a summer internship should take the opportunity to build professional contacts and help with projects that will translate onto a resume. If an intern-ship is not going to happen this summer, volunteering can be an excellent way to gain experience. Bottom line, experience is experience.
Save for Upcoming Semester Travel and going out with friends can be big money drainers, and if students don’t carefully budget and save, they may find themselves strapped for cash during the school year.
Work on Your Profile Create a LinkedIn account if you don’t already have one. Students should make sure their profiles are appropriate and attractive to potential employers.
Take a Week Off It’s important for students to take time to relax and recharge. Experts say students will be more productive if they take the time for themselves to reboot before heading into the se-mester.
Follow an Interest Perhaps you have been intrigued to pursue an interest in learning music, arts, theatre, sports, etc. This could be the time to give it your best shot.
Read some good books. Reading can expand your vocabulary and broaden your horizons.
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